
Arbitrum - search results

The role of rollups in Ethereum’s scalability

The combination of these two types of rollups could soon lead Ethereum to reach speeds of 100,000 transactions per second

Bitcoin arrives also on Algorand

The pNetwork bridge that brings pBTC tokens on the Algorand blockchain has been launched

Ethereum: gas fees at an all-time low

Reached $3 per transaction

Uniswap has exceeded $1 trillion in swaps

It is now unchallenged among DEXx, thanks in part to the support of no less than three Layer-2s on Ethereum

What to expect from the Ooki cryptocurrency?

A journey into the Ooki platform

The Nansen report on the crypto industry

Blockchain analyst firm Nansen publishes a report on the crypto, NFT and DeFi industries

Polygon: $15 million in incentives for Uniswap v3

The strategy of Arrakis Finance to increase the liquidity of Polygon's MATIC token on DEX Uniswap v3

Rainbow receives $18 million in funding for Ethereum wallet

The app aims to reduce MetaMask's burden

Vitalik Buterin: two proposals to reduce Ethereum fees

These are two temporary buffer solutions before the use of rollups is expanded system-wide

The Graph, $48 million for the development of GraphQL in Web3

This is a query language designed by Facebook.

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