
merge - search results

Ethereum, according to Gary Gensler, should be subjected to SEC analysis following the Merge

The question Gensler alludes to is whether there should be a question about staking being equated with lending, which should be regulated accordingly

The real impact of Ethereum’s Merge will be long term

There are many positive and negative comments about the Merge, but it is certain that the real consequences should not be measured in the short term

Merge accomplished: Ethereum moves to PoS

There seems to have been no problems, and some benefits are already visible

The Merge of Ethereum was successful!

The effects on the price and the ecosystem

Why the Merge affects everyone and not just Ethereum holders

Stefan Rust, the CEO of blockchain development house Laguna Labs, expressed his opinion about the upcoming ETH merger saying that he believes the price of ETH will rise to $3,000 by December. He also added that Ethereum will probably surpass Bitcoin in capitalization

Bank of America: the Merge will bring greater adoption of Ethereum

A recent report from the American investment bank predicts that the highly anticipated new update will increase its adoption

How the Merge will impact the crypto world, according to Chainalysis

Three on-chain metrics to watch to understand what impact the Merge is going to have on the crypto ecosystem

Ethereum: Google’s countdown to the Merge

A Google Web3 developer displays the addition of the countdown on the search engine

From Ethereum’s Layer 2s to the Merge: the history and the why

The Merge is coming, while the spread of Layer 2-based solutions has yet to reach its peak

5 Best crypto in presale to invest in before the Merge of ETH in 2022

Investing in presales of crypto projects is an excellent strategy to be among the first movers in the next big cryptocurrency.   With this guide, we...

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