Binance Coin is not only the Binance exchange token. In fact, on the official Binance Medium page, a list of 10 different uses of BNB has been published, showing that this token is not enclosed within the perimeter of the exchange.
The guide divides the various uses into three categories: #useBNB, #buyBNB and #storeBNB.
The first use is the one inside the exchange. In fact, BNB can be used to pay the trading commissions on Binance. Among other things, those who choose this method of payment get a discount of 25% on the fees.
But it is even possible to use BNB outside of the exchange. For example, you can make payments with this token on QLink, to buy VPN and Wifi services, or on the Skycoin network to buy games. On Gifto you can also buy virtual gifts by paying in BNB.
On Propy you can even use it to buy properties, such as houses, while in some nightclubs in Las Vegas it can be accepted using the MoreCoin service.
Alternatively, they can be used on other payment circuits, such as in Australia, where you can make payments in over 200 shops with BNB using TravelbyBit or use them to power your credit card to pay wherever the card is accepted. Pundi X‘s XPOS also accepts payments in BNB.
In addition, for vendors, it is possible to accept Binance Coin payments through CoinGate.
But it is not just for paying. For example, on Nexo you can apply for loans using BNB as collateral, while on ADAMANT Messenger you can use it to transfer funds to others via chat.
Obviously, the most obvious method of buying BNBs is through Binance, where they can be exchanged for 80 other cryptocurrencies.
However, there are also other exchanges that support this token, such as the decentralized exchange KyberNetwork.
BNBs can also be bought on the social media platform InvestFeed, or via the Zelaa Coin ATMs. The Eidoo wallet also offers the possibility to buy BNBs thanks to its app.
Other systems are Dether and Coinbates, where you can get discounts in BNB when you make purchases.
To store BNB tokens you can use the Trust Wallet, but also Jaxx, Trezor, Request Wallet, Metal Vault or even the same Eidoo.
The Ledger Wallet also supports BNB.