The second edition of Private Key Magazine, a monthly magazine created in collaboration with The Cryptonomist as the main media partner, is now online. This month it will be featuring on its cover Erik Voorhees, CEO of Shapeshift, whose interview is included in this December issue.
Here is the link to read the magazine and the interview with Erik Voorhees:
The interview, entitled “Money is far too important to be left to government”, consists of 4 pages, featuring also exclusive images, where Voorhees talks about Bitcoin, scalability, altcoins, Lightning Network and much more.
Every month, the magazine includes an interview with a famous character from the crypto world and other shorter insights. In this December issue, for example, there is an article about art and blockchain, mentioning, among the many startups, the Korean K-Tune that has just completed its ICO.
The creator of Private Key is the German Aaron Koenig, who is also CEO and founder of Bitfilm, a company that deals with videos and graphics related to crypto.