On The Crypto Merch, the ecommerce acquired by The Cryptonomist a few months ago, new products related to Chainlink and Zilliqa have arrived.
As far as Chainlink is concerned, the desire to integrate this merchandise originated from the demand of the platform’s users, who asked several times for t-shirts, sweatshirts and more with the logo of the blockchain company.
And so, for some days now on The Crypto Merch, it has been possible to find t-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts for men and women in different sizes and colours.
Zilliqa and the Halloween merch
As for Zilliqa, to which the homepage of the website is also dedicated due to the close partnership between The Crypto Merch and the Asian company, the new Halloween merch was launched yesterday.
The website offers T-shirts, sweatshirts and mugs with a Halloween theme and the Zilliqa logo.
Shipments are available worldwide at a fixed cost of $3.95.
Being an ecommerce dedicated to the crypto world, there are also various purchasing options, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zilliqa, Bitcoin Cash and many others.
Recently The Crypto Merch had also recently integrated the merchandise of Dash and Blockchain Ladies, along with Eidoo and pNetwork. The Cryptonomist’s purple merch is also a must-have.
In the future, plans are in the pipeline to add more products related to Wallem and PieDAO.