HomeBlockchainThe Notable’s trip: progress of the ecosystem

The Notable’s trip: progress of the ecosystem


Dear Community, we want to start a new post series about the progresses related to the Notable’s  Ecosystem, in order to let you know exactly how everything is going, share our view for the  upcoming months and to give you the possibility to tell us your thoughts. 

Notable’s  Ecosystem, where are we now? 

The last 2 months have been very important for Notable’s development, on multiple sides. What we  want now is to prepare all the bases needed for a great launch of our platform for Q2 2022. Our  team is working a lot on all the technical and legal aspects, in order to have all ready as planned in  our roadmap. We have also grown a lot in these months in terms of people working in Notable, especially the tech marketing departments. 


The Creator’s Onboarding 

One of the aspects on which we are focused is the continuous onboarding of new creator for the  platform. At the moment we are announcing a new creator every week, because we want to give you  all the time to know them, follow their social pages and imagine living different experiences with  them. 

The personalities being onboarded in this period, before the launch of the platform, will be the first  creators that will be able to mint their Experience NFT on Notable. At this point we are looking for  high value creators from many different fields, in order to propose a large variety of possibilities to  our community and to all the future users of the Notable’s platform. 

Notable Marketing Strategy 

On the Marketing side, we are working on the brand awareness of the project, growing our  community and supporters base. We are putting our efforts on different strategies, to reach the  biggest public possible: YouTube videos, interviews, press articles, influencer stories and reviews. 

The onboarded and announced creators are contributing to the marketing as well, publishing stories  and in more other ways that are still to come. 

Moreover we are starting a new YouTube video series called “Notable’s Creator Interview” with the  creators already onboarded. 

Our intention is to give you the possibility to discover them and find all the interesting information about their jobs and lives. 

Today we are speaking with Simone Zin, an Italian model/influencer and digital entrepreneur, good  vision!  

The tech point 

The development team is currently working on the core contracts, that will serve as the foundation  for the entire Notable ecosystem. There’s no shortcuts, since we hope that our efforts and the  technical choices we’re making will help others approach the Experiential NFT world. Every new  module is tested and we’re running detailed simulations to assess future costs of interaction with the  smart contracts. 

At the same time, the design and final version of the platform are taking shape, thanks to our  amazing UI team, and we can’t wait for you to see a preview (more on that in the coming weeks)  and begin the next phase of our journey. Your feedback as users and creators will be essential for us  and for the future of Notable. 

Thanks to you all for the support once again and stay tuned to follow all our progress coming in the  next weeks. 

The Notable’s Team 

Website: https://notablenft.app 

Telegram: https://t.me/notablenft 

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Notable_io 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notable.nft/

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.


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