This fantasy soccer game developed on Noku‘s blockchain, World Super League, will be for all intents and purposes a play-to-earn and up for grabs for the first cup, called WSL CUP, will be a total prize pool of $7,000 in counter value between Noku, Credits and Packages.
How to play World Super League?
Registering is very simple, simply log on to the game website and once you complete the registration process you will receive 22 free cards to field a lineup!
To learn more about the game mechanics you can check out our first article about it or read the WSL guide directly on the official website.
In any event, to play you must field a full WSL lineup by selecting, for each round:
- 1 coach
- 1 module
- 11 starting players
- 4 bench players
- 5 bonus cards
How does the WSL CUP work?
This new competition will cover the entire period of the World Cup to be held in Qatar, it will be divided into 7 rounds and there will be prizes for each round (up to the 100th ranked player) and a final prize pool that will reward the fifty best managers based on the scores accumulated in the individual rounds.
These scores, as per the fantasy soccer standard, are tied to the actual performance of the players that you have decided to field as starters in your lineup.
Moreover, in WSL there are some extra bonus dynamics aimed at personalizing the game experience and strategy of the individual player, for a complete overview we invite you again to consult the guide on the official website.
Here is the list of individual matches and we wish you the best of luck in making it to the top of the final leaderboard, which will grant the most successful participant the coveted prize of 5,000 Noku tokens.