HomeCryptoBrian Armstrong and his interest in flatcoins as an evolution of stablecoins

Brian Armstrong and his interest in flatcoins as an evolution of stablecoins

In a recent interview, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong hinted at his keen interest in the emerging concept of flatcoins as the next evolution in the stablecoin realm. 

Although Coinbase is not currently engaged in the development of flatcoins, Armstrong hinted at the possibility of the company considering potential investments in this innovative space.

Coinbase and its CEO Brian Armstrong may soon invest in flatcoins, the alternative to stablecoins

The term “flatcoin” appears to have been coined by former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan.

Srinivasan’s insight is based on the fact that traditional stablecoins are often pegged to fiat currencies. As a result, if a particular fiat currency experiences inflation, the stablecoins linked to it will also be affected. 

In contrast, flatcoins aim to derive their value from a basket of assets on the chain, thus avoiding the fluctuations associated with traditional fiat currencies.

During the interview with Yahoo Finance, Armstrong shed light on the growing interest and activity surrounding flatcoins within the crypto ecosystem. 

Although Coinbase is not currently actively involved in the development of such a cryptocurrency, the company is closely monitoring the progress of teams working on this new concept.

Armstrong’s enthusiasm for flatcoins stems from his belief that they represent a significant advancement in the cryptocurrency space, offering a superior form of digital currency to existing cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.

Interestingly, Armstrong had already highlighted the concept of flatcoin in a post on X (formerly Twitter), in which he shared the ten cryptographic ideas that excite him the most. 

More than just flatcoins or stablecoins in Coinbase CEO’s crosshairs

In the recent interview, he hinted that some of Coinbase’s investments could be channeled into these exciting crypto initiatives.

In addition to flatcoins, Armstrong’s post highlighted other cryptocurrency ideas that have caught his attention.

These include on-chain reputation systems, advertising solutions, capital formation mechanisms, blockchain-based games, privacy enhancements for Layer 2 chains, and tokenization of real-world assets. 

In the Yahoo interview, Armstrong hinted at the possibility of Coinbase Ventures supporting projects aligned with these ideas, demonstrating the company’s commitment to fostering innovation in the crypto space.

Notably, Armstrong also spoke about Coinbase’s recent achievements, including the successful launch of Base and the Coinbase Derivatives exchange. 

Coinbase’s Onchain Summer initiative to promote Base proved fruitful, with the chain becoming the third largest Layer 2 chain in the Ethereum network by total value blocked, according to data from The Block.

Coinbase Ventures also demonstrated its commitment to the Base ecosystem by investing in six projects, Avantis, BSX, Onboard, OpenCover, Paragraph, and Truflation. 

Among them, Truflation, which offers consumer price index (CPI) oracles on the blockchain, received an honorable mention in Armstrong’s post, further highlighting the growing importance of flatcoins and related innovations in the crypto landscape.

According to Brian Armstrong, the top leadership of the SEC could change in 2024

In a recent statement, the CEO of Coinbase Brian Armstrong shared his thoughts on the regulatory landscape facing cryptocurrency companies in the United States. 

Armstrong highlighted the challenges arising from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) approach to cryptocurrency innovation, calling it vague and often hostile. In response, Coinbase has been actively seeking avenues for constructive engagement with the regulator.

One potential avenue discussed by Armstrong involves the possibility of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) taking a larger role in cryptocurrency regulation. 

This alternative approach could provide a more nuanced and adaptable framework for the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry, potentially fostering greater innovation and cooperation between regulators and industry firms.

In addition, Armstrong highlighted an upcoming pivotal moment in the regulatory landscape: the change of leadership at the SEC. 

He noted that in 2024 or beyond, the possibility exists that a new SEC chairman will be appointed who may adopt a more cryptocurrency-friendly stance. 

This potential change in leadership could herald a change in the regulatory environment, potentially opening the door to greater collaboration and regulatory clarity for Coinbase and other crypto entities operating in the United States.

Overall, Brian Armstrong’s remarks underscore the evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States and the importance of ongoing dialogue between industry leaders such as Coinbase and regulators. 

The prospect of a new SEC chairman and the potential involvement of the CFTC offer glimmers of hope for a more accommodating and forward-looking regulatory approach that can promote responsible innovation in the cryptocurrency industry.


