HomeCryptoCrypto news: Tether and Bitfinex's transparent move

Crypto news: Tether and Bitfinex’s transparent move

In a crypto landscape where transparency is paramount, news emerges that Tether and Bitfinex have chosen to accept scrutiny by ceasing to oppose a New York Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request. 

This crucial decision reflects their unwavering commitment to transparency, and prompts a nuanced exploration of responsible business practices in the dynamic cryptocurrency realm.

Crypto news: Tether and Bitfinex acknowledge and cease opposition to FOIL request

In the realm of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, one of the fundamental principles is undoubtedly transparency, and Tether, along with Bitfinex, remains at the forefront of this commitment. 

This commitment is exemplified by recent actions, most notably the decision to cease opposing a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request initiated by Coindesk under New York jurisdiction.

It is crucial to emphasize that transparency, in the context of Tether and Bitfinex operations, does not imply the indiscriminate release of all documents. 

Such an approach contradicts established business norms and protocols. Although the commitment to openness is unwavering, it is crucial to exercise caution in the disclosure of sensitive information.

The two companies’ decision to forego further appeals in response to New York’s FOIL request is anchored by a firm allegiance to transparency and a belief that there is no hidden agenda. 

Both companies maintain their resolve especially in light of various events involving certain journalists, including Zeke Faux, Shane Shifflet and Ada Hui. 

“Zeke Faux’s previous work has occasionally overstepped the boundaries of objective journalism, and instances of one-sided and inaccurate reporting by various media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg, underscore the need for a higher moral standard within the industry.”

The decision not to challenge this FOIL request demonstrates a commitment to transparency combined with a firm belief in responsible business practices. 

Tether and Bitfinex welcome constructive engagement with journalists and regulators, as long as they adhere to ethical reporting standards and respect the boundaries of data privacy.

Transparency according to Tether and Bitfinex

“It is crucial to underline that transparency, in our lexicon, does not equate to unbridled public disclosure of all documents. Responsible document review and management precedes any publication, in line with our commitment to maintaining the delicate balance between openness and safeguarding company information.”

The decision to refrain from further challenge of the FOIL request underscores a dedication to responsible business practices, setting a benchmark for transparency in our industry.

Although doubts have been raised about the rationale behind the FOIL request, the released statement makes it clear that the decision is not a compromise but a strategic choice. 

The dedication to transparency is not a call for unfounded scrutiny or the release of sensitive information without due diligence. 

Instead, it is a call for responsible engagement and a recognition of accountability to the broader cryptocurrency community.


In conclusion, Tether and Bitfinex’s decision to drop further opposition to the FOIL request testifies to their unwavering commitment to transparency and responsible business practices. 

As pioneers in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, both entities chose not to shy away from scrutiny, but to set a standard for open dialogue and ethical reporting.

By refraining from lengthy legal battles, Tether and Bitfinex demonstrate confidence in the legitimacy of their operations. 

In the face of challenges and concerns, Tether and Bitfinex remain open to constructive dialogue, inviting genuine understanding of their intricate operations. 

The cryptocurrency community can expect continued commitment from these entities in maintaining high standards of transparency, contributing to the maturation and credibility of the entire industry. 

As the journey toward transparency and responsible business practices continues, Tether and Bitfinex stand as examples, navigating the delicate balance between openness and safeguarding sensitive information.


