HomeNFTPerformance of NFT assets: what are the best tools?

Performance of NFT assets: what are the best tools?

What are the best tools to measure the performance of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) assets? 

Here are some of the most popular websites to better manage your collections and assess the value of unique tokens. 

NFT asset performance: some of the best websites to use for managing collections

As for any market, especially in the crypto sector, there are online tools that support investors in managing their resources effectively. 

Even in the case of Non-Fungible Tokens, it is useful to have websites available that measure the performance of NFT assets. 

NFTs, as we know, are unique tokens that represent anything in the real world, from digital and physical art to characters and objects from video games. Obviously, after Beeple’s historic NFT Everydays: The First 5000 Days, sold for $69.3 million in February 2021, the NFT market entered a speculative bubble.

From here, there is also the need to identify which NFTs are valuable and which pretend to be, turning out to be just waste.

So, being able to obtain valuable data about one’s NFTs, including utility, rarity, value, and other useful information, supports the investor in managing their NFT collections effectively. 

Among the best websites for this purpose, the most popular ones are NFTBank, CryptoSlam, DappRadar, NFT Stats, and Rarity Tools. 

NFT asset performance: the peculiarities of the NFTBank website

NFTBank is one of the leading NFT portfolio managers, as well as a great evaluation tool, as it keeps track of over 5000 well-known projects.

Launched in 2018 and powered by an ML model for NFT price evaluation, NFTBank provides a portfolio tracking and NFT asset management platform. Users can manage their NFTs, find undervalued listings, submit fees, and manage their portfolios within the site. Developers can use premium valuation APIs to obtain data.

His analyses are extremely accurate, with a success rate of over 90%, thanks to his machine learning algorithms that take into account dozens of factors, including the rarity and usefulness of NFTs, sales volume, demand, liquidity, and many other variables.

One of its most interesting features is the estimated APO price, which provides users with an estimate of the real value of their NFT collection. That’s why it’s also the most used dapp by cryptocurrency investment funds. 

CryptoSlam and DappRadar: not just NFTs

Other famous websites that provide reliable data on NFTs are then CryptoSlam and DappRadar.

Specifically, CryptoSlam is one of the best NFT data aggregators in the industry, supported by billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban. On the other hand, DappRadar is one of the leading websites for insights into the entire cryptocurrency space, but it also offers extensive analysis tools and coverage of the NFT industry.

Users can explore on CryptoSlam all the latest statistics and metrics on NFT projects from the most popular blockchain networks, including Ethereum, ImmutableX, Polygon, Solana, and others. Moreover, the CryptoSlam platform also provides a ranking of NFTs based on specific factors such as price, recent transactions, and sales volume, monitored on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. 

Even DappRadar provides an updated ranking of NFTs based on their market capitalization, trading volume, liquidity, sales, base prices, average selling prices, and other essential data.

Another peculiarity of DappRadar (as for NFTBank), is the possibility for the investor to manage their own Web3 portfolio, connecting it to the platform, in order to monitor the performance of their NFT assets. 

NFT asset performance: how NFT Stats and Rarity Tools work

Even NFT Stats and Rarity Tools are among the best websites to use for monitoring the performance of NFT assets.

And indeed, it can be said that NFT Stats is the main place to discover real-time statistics on the most popular NFT collections, along with a series of useful data, graphs, visualizations, insights, and news updates.

Here is the famous Non-Fungible Token ranking presented in a chart that takes into account sales, trading volume, and base price (or floor price). Not only that, a special feature of NFT Stats is the NFT Rarity Explorer that verifies the rarity of a specific NFT within a collection. 

Of course, if we talk about rarity, then we cannot overlook another famous platform for measuring the performance of unique NFT assets: Rarity Tools. 

In fact, Rarity Tools provides users with in-depth analytical functions to evaluate the value of NFTs based on their specific attributes and traits. In practice, users can find more detailed data on the most famous or recent collections and understand what attributes make a specific NFT special.

Stefania Stimolo
Stefania Stimolo
Graduated in Marketing and Communication, Stefania is an explorer of innovative opportunities. She started out as a Sales Assistant for e-commerce, and in 2016 she began to develop a passion for the digital world, initially in the Network Marketing sector, where she discovered and became passionate about the ideals behind Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, which lead her to work as a copywriter and translator for ICO projects and blogs, and organize introductory courses.