HomeCryptoBitcoin News: Donald Trump will sign an executive order focused on crypto

Bitcoin News: Donald Trump will sign an executive order focused on crypto

Latest Bitcoin news: Bitcoin Magazine CEO, David Bailey, has revealed to have a connection with Donald Trump’s election campaign. In practice, there would be the signing of an executive order focused on and in favor of cryptocurrencies, from his first day as President. 

Bitcoin News: Donald Trump and the signing of an executive order in favor of cryptocurrencies

The CEO of Bitcoin Magazine, David Bailey, has revealed to be in a relationship with Donald Trump, candidate for President of the United States. 

Basically, it seems that Bailey and his team have proposed a comprehensive executive order focused on and in favor of crypto, which Trump will have to sign on his first day, if he becomes President. 

“In the last month, we have been working with the Trump campaign to develop their political program on bitcoin and crypto. We have proposed a comprehensive executive order that President Trump will have to sign on the first day. I will soon share these details. This week Trump took the first step, but there is a lot of work to be done. We intend to raise a fund of 100 million dollars for the campaign aimed at ensuring that the next President of the United States is favorable to Bitcoin. If you can help us, please contact us.”

Specifically, Bailey is also proposing to bitcoiners and the entire crypto-community to stand by Trump’s side in order to succeed in the endeavor of having a pro-bitcoin administration. 

In fact, Bailey stated that cryptocurrency enthusiasts will not vote for Trump, but against Biden’s crypto policies in the upcoming elections.

Bitcoin is not a partisan issue, it is apolitical. However, we will mobilize to defend ourselves. We will not vote for Trump per se, but against Biden. The only person to blame for this is Biden. If he were to drastically change course, I believe many would return to apathy.”

At the moment, the CEO of Bitcoin Magazine has not yet revealed the details of the pro-bitcoin and crypto political program, but only that it is in the works with the Trump team. 

Bitcoin News: Donald Trump in connection with Bailey for his election campaign

Bailey then published more tweets related to his connection with Donald Trump’s election campaign, in order to become a pro-Bitcoin President. 

“As the trajectory of Bitcoin becomes undeniable in this cycle, the establishment will fight us tooth and nail. A Bitcoin-friendly presidency guarantees us at least 4 years of status quo (maybe more). Think about how much we have grown in the last 4 years. It’s enough time to prepare ourselves.”

Another tweet of his specifically talks about Bitcoin as follows:

“It’s time for Bitcoin to elect the next President of the United States.”

Meanwhile, at a rally on the New Jersey coast, Trump promised “all Americans” of any class that, if elected, he will make the biggest tax cut.

From non-prosecution to executive order

While the presidential elections in the USA will take place on November 5, 2024, we are now in the midst of various election campaigns. 

What has emerged so far on the Trump-Bitcoin issue, referred to a position of the alleged Republican candidate not wanting to prosecute the crypto sector, if elected. 

This is a very light approach, compared to what would happen if the plan revealed by Bailey were successful. 

And indeed, with today’s news, it seems that Trump is also willing to sign the executive order in favor of a pro-bitcoin political system. 

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Stefania Stimolo
Stefania Stimolo
Graduated in Marketing and Communication, Stefania is an explorer of innovative opportunities. She started out as a Sales Assistant for e-commerce, and in 2016 she began to develop a passion for the digital world, initially in the Network Marketing sector, where she discovered and became passionate about the ideals behind Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, which lead her to work as a copywriter and translator for ICO projects and blogs, and organize introductory courses.

