HomeCryptoThe IMF states that CBDCs could increase financial inclusion in the Middle...

The IMF states that CBDCs could increase financial inclusion in the Middle East

The International Monetary Fund (FMI) has recently released a survey revealing how the 19 central banks of the Middle East are seriously considering the issuance of a CBDC

This study emphasizes two key areas: financial inclusion and payment efficiency. In this article, we will explore how CBDC can contribute to these crucial objectives in the region.

The CBDC: an overview of financial inclusion in the Middle East according to the IMF

The CBDC are digital versions of sovereign currency, issued and regulated by central banks. Unlike decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the CBDC are state-backed and designed to maintain economic stability and facilitate secure and efficient transactions. These digital currencies can be used for both domestic and cross-border payments, making the financial system more accessible and functional.

Financial inclusion is one of the main challenges in Middle Eastern countries. Many people, especially in rural areas, do not have access to basic banking services. This limits their ability to save, invest, and protect themselves from economic risks. The barriers include the lack of infrastructure, the distance from financial institutions, and the lack of official documentation.

The CBDC can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges. With the adoption of digital currencies, central banks can offer financial services to a wider population, including those who currently do not have a bank account. The CBDC can be distributed through digital platforms accessible via smartphone, which are increasingly widespread even in the most remote areas.

Furthermore, CBDCs can reduce the costs associated with financial transactions. Traditional banking operations often involve high fees, which can be prohibitive for low-income individuals. Digital transactions, on the other hand, are generally cheaper and faster, making it more convenient for everyone to participate in the financial system.

The current payment systems in the Middle East region can be slow and inefficient. Cross-border transactions, in particular, are often complicated and expensive. The reliance on traditional payment systems, which require various intermediaries, increases the time and cost of transactions.

The improvements with the CBDC

CBDC can significantly improve the efficiency of payments, both domestically and internationally. Digital transactions can be executed almost instantly and at lower costs compared to traditional methods. This not only benefits consumers but also businesses that can reduce operational costs and improve cash flows.

Furthermore, CBDCs can facilitate regional economic integration. With a common or interoperable digital currency, countries in the Middle East can facilitate cross-border trade and investments. This could lead to greater economic cooperation and a more unified market in the region.

The IMF survey involved 19 central banks from the Middle East, examining their perspectives and plans regarding CBDCs. The results indicate that many of these banks are already conducting feasibility studies and pilot projects to explore the implementation of digital currencies.

The majority of central banks interviewed have identified financial inclusion and payment efficiency as the main motivations for the adoption of CBDCs. This reflects a growing understanding of the potential of digital currencies in solving structural problems and innovating financial systems.

Challenges and considerations

Despite the enthusiasm, the implementation of CBDCs is not without challenges. Central banks must address issues related to security, privacy, and financial stability. It is essential that technological infrastructures are robust and that there are clear regulations to avoid risks of fraud and abuse.

Furthermore, the adoption of CBDC requires a cultural and educational shift. Populations need to be informed and educated on the use of digital currencies to ensure their effective and secure dissemination.

The CBDC represent a promising frontier for the financial systems of the Middle East. The IMF’s investigation highlights how these digital currencies can potentially improve financial inclusion and payment efficiency, two crucial objectives for the economic and social development of the region. As central banks continue to explore and develop these instruments, it will be essential to address the challenges and ensure that the CBDC are implemented in a safe and effective manner. The future of digital currencies in the Middle East appears bright, with the possibility of creating a more inclusive, efficient, and resilient financial system.


