HomeCryptoThe exchange Coinbase renounces the migration of the token ASI while the...

The exchange Coinbase renounces the migration of the token ASI while the 7.5 billion dollar merger proceeds

Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, recently announced that it will not support the upcoming migration of the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI) token. 

This decision has raised many discussions and questions among users and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, especially considering the importance and scope of the $7.5 billion merger between the artificial intelligence protocols involved.

The exchange Coinbase and the migration of the token ASI

The merger concerns three of the main artificial intelligence protocols in the sector: SingularityNet, Fetch.ai, and Ocean Protocol.

These projects are known for their innovations in integrating blockchain technology with intelligenza artificiale. The fusion is seen as a significant step towards creating a more integrated and powerful ecosystem for the development and implementation of decentralized AI solutions.

SingularityNet is a platform that allows developers to create, share, and monetize artificial intelligence services on a decentralized blockchain network.

Fetch.ai, on the other hand, aims to build an autonomous AI infrastructure that facilitates communication between devices and applications without human intervention.

Ocean Protocol focuses on the secure sharing of data, allowing data to be used to train artificial intelligence models while maintaining privacy and control over the data itself.

Despite the enthusiasm surrounding this merger, Coinbase has decided not to support the migration of the ASI token for its users.

This choice has surprised many, given that Coinbase is known for being at the forefront in supporting new initiatives and innovations in the cryptocurrency sector. However, Coinbase users are not completely excluded from the possibility of participating in the merger.

Coinbase users who own ASI tokens can still migrate their tokens using self-custodial wallets. These wallets allow users to have full control over their cryptocurrencies, without having to rely on an intermediary like Coinbase. 

By using self-custodial wallets, users can transfer their ASI tokens to the protocols involved in the merger and thus participate in the integration between SingularityNet, Fetch.ai, and Ocean Protocol.

Implications of the 7.5 billion dollar merger

The merger between these three protocols is not just a simple integration of tokens, but represents a synergy of resources, technologies, and visions for the future of decentralized artificial intelligence. 

The combination of their assets will lead to an overall market capitalization of 7.5 billion dollars, making it one of the most significant mergers in the world of blockchain and AI.

SingularityNet has been one of the pioneers in uniting AI and blockchain. The platform allows developers to create and share AI algorithms in an open and decentralized marketplace. 

This not only democratizes access to AI technologies, but also promotes collaboration and innovation. With the merger, SingularityNet will be able to leverage the capabilities of Fetch.ai and Ocean Protocol to further enhance its offerings.

Fetch.ai brings with it its network of autonomous agents that can perform complex tasks without human intervention. This technology is crucial for developing AI systems that can operate independently, adapting to new information and situations. 

By integrating with SingularityNet and Ocean Protocol, Fetch.ai will be able to expand its applications and reach a larger scale.

Ocean Protocol plays a fundamental role in the secure management and sharing of data. In an era where data is considered the “new oil,” Ocean Protocol provides the necessary infrastructure to ensure that data can be shared securely and used to train AI models without compromising privacy. 

The merger will allow Ocean Protocol to integrate its data solutions with the AI capabilities of SingularityNet and Fetch.ai, creating a robust and secure ecosystem.


The decision by Coinbase not to support the migration of ASI tokens has certainly created challenges for users, but it has also highlighted the importance of self-custodial wallets in the cryptocurrency landscape. 

The 7.5 billion dollar merger between SingularityNet, Fetch.ai, and Ocean Protocol represents an important step towards a future where artificial intelligence and blockchain work together to create more powerful and decentralized solutions.

Cryptocurrency users who wish to participate in this evolution must be ready to explore alternatives and manage their resources independently.

This merger will not only enhance the capabilities of each protocol involved, but it will also establish a new standard for collaboration and innovation in the emerging technologies sector.


