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Commissioner of the CFTC Johnson proposes recommendations on AI, highlighting integration with DeFi

In a revolutionary move, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Caroline D. Johnson has put forward a series of recommendations aimed at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and decentralized finance (DeFi). This proposal marks a crucial moment for regulatory approaches to emerging technologies in the financial sector. Commissioner Johnson's initiative not only outlines […]







NFT: Yuga Labs faces layoffs and focuses on restructuring

The CEO of Yuga Labs declares that the company has lost its direction.

The Rise of Game Media: How UGCverse is Pioneering New Pathways in Digital Engagement

UGCverse stands out as a groundbreaking platform.

In the last 24 hours, the #635 has been sold for 4000 ETH.

Mercato NFT news: sales are dropping while the Bitcoin blockchain dominates

The revenues of Non-Fungible Tokens have dropped by over 25% in the week.

Hackatao arrives on the Sandbox metaverse with the NFT game “HACK the TAO”

The new story reimagined in Web3 aims to restore balance in the crypto realm.


The Bitcoin Jesus would have evaded taxes on millions of dollars in capital gains from the sale of BTC in 2017.