HomeCryptoProtecting the future of the crypto world: Cosmos Hub promotes ATOM inflation...

Protecting the future of the crypto world: Cosmos Hub promotes ATOM inflation reduction for greater stability

In a decisive move, the governing body of Cosmos Hub has approved a proposal to reduce the maximum inflation rate of its native crypto token, ATOM, from 14% to 10%. 

This strategic adjustment aims to strengthen security measures while promoting an environment conducive to the sustained profitability of validators.

Cosmos Hub approves ATOM crypto token inflation reduction for enhanced security

Cosmos Hub’s governing body has given the green light to a key proposal that aims to reduce the maximum inflation rate of its native token, ATOM

The proposal, despite a contentious voting process, won approval with 41.1% of votes in favor and 38.5% against.

The approved change includes a reduction in ATOM’s maximum inflation rate from 14% to a more conservative 10%. This adjustment, as stated in the proposal, will consequently reduce ATOM’s annualized return from about 19% to 13.4%. 

ATOM plays a multifaceted role within the Cosmos Hub ecosystem, encompassing staking, governance and transaction fees.

Proponents of the proposal argue that ATOM’s prevailing high inflation rate has led to excessive and unwarranted spending on security measures within Cosmos Hub. 

They argue that a more moderate inflation rate of 10% is sufficient to ensure robust security while allowing validators to break even or become profitable.

Notably, the proposal took an unexpected turn, narrowly avoiding failure thanks to a wave of last-minute votes, coupled with some reversals by validators, that tilted the needle in its favor. 

Support and opposition to the Cosmos proposal

Zero Knowledge Validator, the entity with the most substantial support for the proposal, articulated its position on X, pointing out that double-digit inflation is too much for security and undermines the long-term value of ATOM. 

In addition, it stated that such inflationary pressure hinders the adoption of ATOM in decentralized finance (DeFi) and other sectors within the Atom Economic Zone.

In contrast, considerable opposition to the proposal came from AllNodes, a validator, which expressed concern that the reduction would disproportionately affect smaller validators.

In a post on X, AllNodes criticized the proposal as abrupt, short-sighted, and inadequately researched, potentially causing disruption to retail and businesses engaged in building, trading, and validating ATOM.

In the wake of the recent Cosmos Hub update, a notable development is the introduction of a cash collection module, which marks a significant step forward in improving the utility and flexibility of the ATOM token within the Cosmos network. 

This module allows users to bypass the previously imposed 21-day no-tie period for staking ATOM funds.

Prior to this update, ATOM holders faced a crucial limitation, with a mandatory 21-day lockout period for their funds after the release process. 

This time constraint limited the movement of funds, affecting ATOM’s liquidity and responsiveness within the broader Cosmos ecosystem.

Improvements made by the Cosmos Hub upgrade to the ATOM crypto token 

The liquid staking module solves this problem by allowing ATOM staked to be readily used within the Cosmos decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape without compromising staking returns. 

This advancement not only simplifies the user experience, but also aligns with the broader industry trend of promoting liquidity and accessibility of staking mechanisms.

The reduction in the maximum inflation rate from 14% to 10% enshrined in the recent proposal is inextricably linked to ongoing efforts to optimize the economic dynamics of Cosmos Hub. 

Proponents of this adjustment argue that it represents a balance between maintaining robust safety measures and fostering a validator-friendly environment to sustain profitability. By limiting inflation, Cosmos Hub aims to reduce overspending on security without compromising incentives for validators.

Zero Knowledge Validator’s endorsement of the proposal, which emphasizes the futility of double-digit inflation for security, is in line with the broader discourse of the blockchain community. 

The assertion that such inflationary pressure undermines the long-term value of ATOM and inhibits its adoption in DeFi and other sectors within the Atom Economic Zone reflects a strategic perspective aligned with the maturation of blockchain ecosystems.

In contrast, AllNodes’ dissent highlights the nuanced challenges associated with any adjustment to inflation rates. 

Their concerns about potential negative impacts on smaller validators highlight the importance of a careful and well-researched approach to changes that may have far-reaching consequences within the network.


As Cosmos Hub continues to evolve, with governance decisions and technical updates shaping its trajectory, the recent approval of the inflation reduction proposal stands out as a pivotal moment. 

It demonstrates the resilience of decentralized decision-making processes and the ability of the Cosmos community to navigate and address complex issues impacting the economic and security frameworks of the network.

Going forward, the implementation of the reduced inflation rate will be closely monitored to assess its impact on the overall health and sustainability of Cosmos Hub.

The intersection of governance, technical innovation, and economic dynamics remains a focal point for the Cosmos community as it strives to position ATOM as a robust and versatile asset in the broader landscape of blockchain and decentralized systems.


