Weekly horoscope about Pisces


Bull run in mood early in the week: with the Full Moon in Capricorn on Monday 3/9 you feel you want to project to your future self as you experience this period of total personal expression. More in HODL-mode and observing the market in the middle part: you understand that to move forward there is a need to let go, shorts, or liquidate something from the past that haunts you. Ideal time since Venus and Mars are precisely inviting you to tidy up and take care of you and the harmonies you create with your relationships, or with your new ventures. Weekend with to-the-moon mood: perhaps you find solutions that leave room precisely for your personal affirmation, even if only on an inner level, what it takes to see your self-esteem touch an ATH or historic high never seen before. Sunday you’re in a practicality pump, eager to put into action what’s on your mind.