Weekly horoscope about Sagittarius


To-the-moon mood at the start of the week: the Full Moon in Scorpio on Monday 16/5 puts into Lightning-mode all the assets and nodes that have been keeping you in the comfort zone you have so longed for. You are energetic, charged and exciting, especially in your love and work relationships where you are finally able to bring out all your talents and express yourself 100%, unhindered! Maybe some FUD and FOMO is there but it is only in your head, try not to listen to all the thoughts you have, many are not yours! In the middle part you are in a concreteness pump and carry out your affairs in a practical and pragmatic way. Weekend more bullish with a desire to share ideas with your nodes. With the new Sun in Gemini on Saturday 21/5 you inaugurate your hard-fork month and like a rift in your blockchain, go all out on all the details with the projects you feel most ‘connected’ with, even with your partner