
Solana - search results

New report reveals latest trends in blockchain projects

Outlier Ventures, a venture capital platform, has published a development trends paper for Q2 2020/21

Why isn’t bitcoin growing at similar rates to altcoins?

The difference in performance in 2021 is glaring, with BTC earning the least among the top 10

Microsoft patents a “Ledger-independent token service”

A system to create and manage cross-chain tokens easily and without having to write code

DeFi: record levels on Ethereum and Binance Chain

TVL has made a new all-time high in the past few days, surpassing the previous record of mid-May

Bitcoin, price slips to $46,000, but the sentiment remains positive

BTC could soon be back above $50,000

Tron and Omni Layer “exist only to support Tether”

The queen of stablecoins has issued 1 billion USDT on the Tron blockchain

DeFi has helped push Ethereum and can continue growing

Wallet creation surged from 50.2 million addresses in June to last year to 119 million as of July 21, 2021

Ethereum 2.0: improvement proposal for chain merger formalized

Now we can start to really discuss the concrete launch of Ethereum 2.0

Bitcoin bullish prediction: on track to break $42,000

This is according to GlobalBlock

Arbitrum: what it is and what it means for the cryptocurrency world

A few days ago, the popular DEX Uniswap announced the decision to add support for this Layer 2 to V3

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