
libra - search results

“Upload” TV series on Amazon Prime Video includes Libra payments

In a scene, there's mention about payments in Bitcoin and other digital currencies, namely the Facebook stablecoin

New members of the Libra Association include investment funds

Temasek, Paradigm and Slow Ventures join Facebook's cryptocurrency project

The CEO of the Libra Association has been appointed

The new administrator also served under the Bush and Obama administrations with regard to international financial crimes

Libra: how to organize a lottery on the blockchain

A test for an insurance payment system built on the Facebook protocol

Libra applied for a license from FINMA

An application for a licence as a payment service has been officially submitted to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority

Libra’s Bison Trails announces support for Solana protocol

It will be possible to become network validators and earn bonuses

Facebook changes plans for the Libra project

Perhaps the idea of creating a single stablecoin based on a basket of fiat currencies will be abandoned

Shopify joins the Libra Association

The e-commerce giant wants to improve trade and the spread of the currency

Andreas Antonopoulos: Libra and the cold currency war

Decentralized cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies will compete with each other globally

Vodafone leaves Facebook’s Libra Association

According to Switzerland, the project is still far from being released

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