
Ammous - search results

Bitcoin: Nassim Taleb against Giacomo Zucco

A clash on Twitter between the famous inventor of the theory of the black swan and the famous Italian bitcoin maximalist

Austrian school invalidates the theories of Bitcoin supporters

On a political level, it has originated and influenced libertarian theories and movements and, to a lesser extent, also liberal movements

Helicopter money, Quantitative Easing and cryptocurrencies: a strange relationship

This is an idea made popular by the American economist Milton Friedman in 1969.

Peter Schiff: governments can stop Bitcoin

The veteran of the gold market has argued that the queen of cryptocurrencies can never become a real substitute for gold and that it could even disappear if it were made illegal

Patreon, the sponsorship service preferred by crypto (for now)

The platform is similar to Kickstarter and allows making donations to artists and inventors

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