
Sotheby - search results

Contemporary Giant Yue Minjun Embarks on a Revolutionary Web3 Journey with his First NFT Project Exclusively on LiveArt

Yue Minjun, the contemporary art giant of the 21st century, enters the digital art space with his inaugural Web3 project.

NFT art sales on the rise: the ETH chain is first with $85.43 million in sales

Over the past week, NFT sales have seen an impressive 11.60% increase

Why some believe the crypto market is crashing

Quite a few believe the bear market is not over yet

NFT and Traditional Artists Descend on New York for Babylon Art Exhibition

Babylon x NYC, an exhibition of more than 100 physical and digital artworks, will take place in New York City on April 12-13, 2023.

Lamborghini NFTs: details of past collections and the arrival of the new one on 19 February

A brief overview of Lamborghini's NFT pieces, leading up to the new collection

CryptoPunks return to dominate NFT sales in 2023

In the last 24 hours, #9788 was sold at 90 ETH

Uniswap, Decentraland and Zilliqa: the crypto world amid lands and consoles

Increasingly aimed at gaming and metaverses, let's take a look at some realities of the crypto world that embrace the new course of social media and Play to Earn.

Metis confirms future crypto adoption: growth of decentralized organizations is rapid

From Deloitte's report to Metis's, they all confirm the decentralization and adoption of cryptocurrencies

NFT CryptoPunks outperform BAYC in value

Higher floor price and entry into Miami's Institute of Contemporary Art

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