
erc721 - search results

ERC-721R, an anti rug-pull NFT standard

The NFT market continues to innovate with a new standard called ERC-721R that will be able to combat rug-pulls

NFT Bunny Roadmap: what has been done, what’s next

Updates on the development of the first NFT social marketplace project

All the differences between Trust Wallet and Atomic Wallet

Trust Wallet and Atomic Wallet are both very well known but definitely different.

Coinbase now sponsors the NBA and the Women NBA

The contract includes exclusive sponsorship in the crypto world

Coinbase NFT: the announcement of the new marketplace

Potential users can now just join the waiting list

Kraken: “NFTs are a market based on hype”

A report on the phenomenon of non-fungible tokens, from history to records and the best projects in the sector

Land Economics in the Metaverse

Decentraland, The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Evolution Land, etc. showcased the prototype of the Metaverse

Brave Swap partners with 0x Project to foster DeFi

The platform integrates the 0x API into its Update 2 of the BAT Roadmap 2.0

Non-Fungible Bible NFB: the first NFT book on the blockchain

The collection of works of art in a Non-Fungible Token

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