
lks - search results

Libra: Winklevoss Twins want to collaborate with Facebook

During a podcast with CNN, they have confirmed being in touch to get their Gemini exchange to join

Hong Kong: interest in bitcoin at historical lows

Charles Yang of Genesis Block discusses the recent riots in the country

Nouriel Roubini is jealous of the crypto holders

A strange tweet was published by the professor of the University of New York full of useless malice towards the operators of the sector

Binance, London meetup: “DEXs will be the future”

The exchange event was held yesterday at Level 39

Circle CEO speaks to US Congress

The session entitled "Examining Regulatory Frameworks for Digital Currencies and Blockchain" has come to an end

IOTA: STMicroelectronics will use Tangle for its IoT solutions

The focus of the collaboration will be on integrating Tangle technology into the X-CUBE-IOTA1 software

Renrenbit, a million-dollar token sale for the startup linked to Bitfinex

The Chinese cryptocurrency founded by Bitfinex investor Dong Zhao has put up for sale 21 million RRB tokens at the price of 1 USDT

Ben Mezrich: “Libra should have been made by Amazon”

The project can't have the support of the people because they don't trust Facebook

Ethereum Classic wants to encourage the development of dApps

An initiative by Zane Starr to make the development of decentralised applications easier

University of Geneva: a course dedicated to Facebook Libra

A computer science professor at UNIGE is organising a course dedicated to the new stablecoin of Facebook

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