
lks - search results

xRapid of Ripple and the comparison with Facebook’s Libra

According to Marjan Delatinne, the approaches and projects of the two cryptocurrencies are very different

The altcoin season is coming, word of Tom Lee and John McAfee

Once Bitcoin's crazy run settles down, chances are the altcoins will rise sharply

Australia: a crypto menu featuring Nakamoto Nigiri

A sushi bar in Adelaide decided to accept crypto payments and renamed the dishes using explicit references to the blockchain world.

Bio-textile: bioplastics for the fashion industry

The most eco-friendly new solutions against synthetic materials Among catwalks and new biotechnologies, even the clothing sector is increasingly entering the bioplastics market, with a...

Xapo in the sights of the Coinbase exchange

It's still a rumour for now, but the acquisition could be worth $50 million

UNCHAIN Convention 2019 with Tone Vays and Brock Pierce

The event will be held in Berlin in June

The ECB organises a blockchain workshop

In July, the European Central Bank will hold a DLT-themed event and invites people to send policy-driven documents, both theoretical and empirical.

Disney might buy a crypto exchange

The American company seems to be in talks to acquire a controlling interest in a Korean company that also owns Bitstamp

A brief recap on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

Some have suggested a possible hack of the gmx email account linked to the creator of Bitcoin

New series on YouTube: The Real Cryptos

The trailer of a new project dedicated to the crypto world has been published, involving many famous names in the sector and various locations

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