
lks - search results

Stock vs. Crypto Trading: top 5 differences

The main comparisons in terms of volatility, risks and profits

Ripple: an OTC billion XRP transaction

Same as every first of the month, the team carries out this transfer

Seth Godin highlights the limits of centralized control

On his personal blog, the American author talks about peer-to-peer as an alternative that could bring about a radical cultural change.

Bakkt, futures release date delayed

The decentralised platform is burdened by legislative discussions

Jack Dorsey: Square hires crypto engineers

The founder of Twitter announced the recruitment of experts for the development of open source tools

Tron vs Ethereum: are these blockchains really rivals?

Justin Sun continues to support the competition with Vitalik, who however seems to ignore him

MiSE Global Startup Program: the blockchain goes on Erasmus

Registrations are open until April 6th

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook is now studying blockchain-based solutions

During an interview, the co-founder and CEO of the company suggested a recording system that would entrust the data to a distributed and decentralised registry and not to third-party databases.

Cybersecurity: trends and forecasts for 2019

Techniques used by hackers change, and cyber attacks increase due to new technologies. But a good understanding of them helps users to protect themselves

SEAT joins the Alastria blockchain consortium

The largest car manufacturer in Spain has joined a consortium of 70 companies that are developing new solutions based on distributed ledgers

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