
lks - search results

Nasdaq: the VanEck guru bets on the Bitcoin market

Gabor Gurbacs, chief analyst at VanEck, foresees a positive 2019 for digital currencies

John McAfee and the Patron platform, “It will bring benefits”

In a recent interview, the influencer talks about his new project as advisor and the prices of cryptocurrencies

Tiffany diamonds on blockchain? A traceability project has been announced

The press release talks about an initiative related to the transparency of the origin of the precious stone, but not about the use of DLT

Swiss timepiece with crypto storage coming in 2019

A historic brand in Switzerland is about to launch the product in the luxury watch market

Steemit: the “immutable” blockchain based social media can censor content

Steemit is decentralised and uncensored, but the website is operated by a private company and has the right to censor whatever it wants.

Eidoo, “We have the technology to offer security tokens”

The analysis of the Swiss Federal Council's report on the blockchain continues

Ripple vs SWIFT: developments in 2018

The competition between the two companies providing services related to cross-border payments continues

The 7 best movies dedicated to cryptocurrencies

The cultural industry offers more and more works related to the crypto world

Wealthfront announces partnership with Coinbase

The Californian investment company has decided to integrate the accounts of the exchange directly on its platform

Tone Vays: “If your blockchain has an office then it’s not a blockchain”

The well-known trader and analyst dispelled some myths surrounding the decentralised technology

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