
lks - search results

Didi Taihuttu, the family who bet it all on bitcoin

A short documentary on YouTube describes the project of some folks who sold everything to buy BTC and travel around Europe in a trailer

“The future is now,” a new TV show on the blockchain.

One of the episodes will be dedicated to cryptocurrencies and DLT innovations

Crypto prices will either take off or crash, it’s the moment of truth for BTC

A well-known American economist says he is moderately optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies, for which the time has come to demonstrate their true value, or disappear

MJAC & CryptoCompare London Blockchain Summit, first speakers announced

Representatives from Coinfloor, Coinbase, Ripple, Circle, eToro, London Stock Exchange Group, CoinShares and Cumberland included in the line-up

Europe’s first patent for digital data storage on blockchain

Savino Solution has obtained the ok for a system in accordance with the law for data on DLT

Beppe Grillo, “Cryptocurrencies cannot be stopped

Citing the case of the Slovenian shopping mall which accepts crypto, the leader of the Italian political party M5S argues that the boom will continue to gain momentum

Bitcoin ICOs are coming soon

Thanks to second layer solutions and sidechains it will soon be possible to create and issue tokens on the BTC blockchain, in direct competition with Ethereum

Beppe Grillo, blockchain and scientific research

The comic-guru makes room for scientific research, even with blockchain technology

Rating agency DBRS: “Blockchain in Banking: A Reality Check”

Canadian agency DBRS mentions the enormous potential of decentralized ledgers to improve efficiency in long and complex operations

Soulja Boy Bitcoin rap song released

The well-known musician has just released a new piece that explicitly talks about the results obtained with his investments in crypto

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