
Microsoft - search results

Microsoft Azure: digital solutions by Neural Technologies

The agreement aims to offer customized solutions to business customers

Microsoft, the beta of the ION project on Bitcoin

It is a tool to enable the implementation of decentralized identities

Microsoft: a patent for cryptocurrency mining using your body

The technological giant of Redmond wants to create devices interfaced with the human body for the performance of physical activities remunerated in cryptocurrencies

Microsoft partners with Enjin for new NTFs

They will issue NFTs on Ethereum to reward those who have committed to Azure

VeChain: gaming development together with Microsoft

An author of a famous book game of the 80s is developing a blockchain-based trading card game inspired by the book

Barclays, Binance, Citi, Deloitte and Microsoft Return to Dublin Tech Conference

The event will take place from October 7th to 9th

Former Microsoft employee accused of a theft of 1000 bitcoins

The suspect would have used a bitcoin mixer to try to cover his tracks

Truffle announces a partnership with Microsoft

The smart contract development suite on the Ethereum blockchain will be integrated with Azure for the development of enterprise solutions

Microsoft announces VeriSol for Ethereum smart contracts

The tool released by Microsoft will help developers improve the security of smart contracts

Microsoft launches ION project on Bitcoin

A decentralized identity project that involves the company and could be used within its own platform

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