
Microsoft - search results

Starbucks working with Microsoft to track coffee on the blockchain

The company had already made a name for itself through the "bean to cup" initiative in 2018

Microsoft and JP Morgan together on the blockchain

The famous American bank has announced an interesting partnership

Microsoft sponsors the Ethereal Virtual Hackathon

The company has decided to invest in the development of Ethereum

Microsoft Azure lists Stratis in order to help with the launch of ICOs

Internet giant aims at the crypto market

8 more cryptojacking apps removed from the Microsoft store

They were using the victim's computer to undermine Monero

Waves smart contracts now available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Developers will have a new tool for development

Microsoft and NASDAQ working together on a blockchain project

The IT company has announced that it will integrate into the stock exchange the blockchain solution offered by Microsoft Azure

A collaboration between Microsoft and Stratis

A consultancy project for the creation of blockchain solutions for companies

Microsoft, a facial recognition feature for ATMs

The Australian National Bank is working on a prototype that uses artificial intelligence to allow customers withdraw money in an innovative way

Microsoft blockchain based services coming soon

The Seattle giant is implementing the technology into an increasing number of services. Driven also by competitiveness with the Hyperledger consortium, which is headed by IBM

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