
Microsoft - search results

IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and blockchain (part 3)

Active projects and those being implemented by the three web giants. Where Big Blue's latest transformation comes to light

EY and Microsoft develop a blockchain copyright solution

From these two giants a blockchain solution to manage copyright in an innovative and efficient way

Microsoft Github: panic among developers

The news triggered a protest from the community, causing more than 2 thousand repositories to leave

Nvidia stock price boom: better than Bitcoin

To see better performance of BTC price compared to NVDA stock, one must go back to 2021.

USA: the Fortune 500 companies are adopting blockchain

U.S. companies are already much further ahead than the political class that struggles to embrace these innovations.

Nvidia bull superano Apple nella corsa per il titolo più prezioso al mondo

Microsoft maintains a slight advantage in the competition among the major tech companies.

Crypto Mining: NVIDIA’s shares surpass $3,000 billion in market cap

The leading AI technology company is now above Apple.

Nvidia stock towards a market capitalization of 3,000 billion dollars

The market capitalization of Nvidia, after the boom in the stock price, has recently reached 2.8 trillion dollars.

All set for the merger of SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol into the crypto ASI: the latest updates

SingularityNET, ed Ocean Protocol hanno annunciato gli ultimi passaggi della fusione nella crypto $ASI.

All set for the merger of SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol into the crypto ASI: the latest updates

SingularityNET, ed Ocean Protocol hanno annunciato gli ultimi passaggi della fusione nella crypto $ASI.

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