
futures - search results

Goldman Sachs: Ethereum options and futures on the way

Banking giant expands into ETH trading

Bitcoin futures trading set a record yesterday

The CME doubled its peak trading volume for the past month as BTC hands shifted heavily among different types of investors

Bitcoin: Micro futures meet traders’ demands. 2.5 times more sold than regular futures

These contracts are proving very popular with investors

Institutions are buying CME’s Ethereum futures

A recent surge in institutional investor interest in ETH is evident from trading volumes at the CME

CME launches Micro Bitcoin futures

These are small contracts, only one-tenth of a BTC in size

Official: BlackRock has bought bitcoin futures

He purchased derivatives worth 185 BTC, investing $6.5 million

CBOE could relaunch futures on bitcoin

This was hinted at by the same CEO of the company which was the first to issue them in 2017

When do bitcoin futures expire?

In reality, there is no single expiration date, both because some have no expiration date and also because it depends on the issuer

Historic record for Litecoin futures

Exceeded for the first time the $600 million in open interest

CME: Ethereum futures launch today

Will the price of ETH share the same fate as BTC when bitcoin futures were launched?

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