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Eidoo: debit cards coming soon

The pre-orders were launched last March and are still available directly from the mobile and desktop app App: cards, payments, earn, loans and bonuses

A complete suite of features for those who hold and use cryptocurrencies

Vitalik Buterin against Google: “more competition is needed”

The overwhelming power of Big G to counteract decentralization

How to use’s MCO Visa Card

All cards allow users to exchange fiat balances in their card wallet at "Google" interbank exchange rates and access to worldwide ATM withdrawals with no fees

Dichiarazione di Eidoo sull’insolvenza di Wirecard

Wirecard, un emittente di carte per i servizi di pagamento con crypto, ha presentato oggi una domanda di procedura d'insolvenza. Questo riguarderà carte come...

Eidoo Card statement on Wirecard filing for insolvency

Wirecard, a card issuer for cryptocurrency payment cards, has today filed for insolvency proceedings. This will affect cards such as Monaco Card by

2 million EDO tokens in staking thanks to Eidoo Cards

1 million in just 20 days, thanks to the success of the company's crypto debit cards

N26: new spending habits during Coronavirus

The over 65s are the fastest-growing age group in the use of e-commerce, demanding more secure banking solutions

Sali a bordo di Fast Private Jet grazie ai vantaggi della Eidoo Black Card.

Grazie al programma vantaggi e premi di Eidoo Card, possiamo offrirti un’esperienza di viaggio straordinaria! Oggi annunciamo la nostra partnership esclusiva con Fast Private Jet,...

Fast Private Jet is now onboard the Eidoo Black Card rewards program

We’re bringing a world-class travel experience to the Eidoo Card rewards program! Today we announce our exclusive rewards partnership with Fast Private Jet, a private...

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