According to the press release, the BSV logo was unveiled today, during the tenth anniversary of Bitcoin’s birth, to underline how Bitcoin SV is “the rebirth of the original bitcoin”.
The logo, in fact, would be “a modernized update of the cryptocurrency’s classic logo, the new design reflects Bitcoin SV’s roots, while leading a new era for Bitcoin to professionalize”.
The Bitcoin SV fork
Born on November 15th, 2018, during the Bitcoin Cash hard fork, BSV aims to follow in the footsteps of Satoshi Nakamoto. SV, in fact, would stand for “Satoshi Vision” as the team wants to respect the mission that Satoshi had in mind when creating the original Bitcoin protocol.
The Bitcoin SV logo description
As stated in the press release, these are the characteristics of the BSV logo and the reasons why it was designed this way:
- The B has a cleaner design than the original and has been positioned vertically rather than obliquely;
- Bitcoin has a capital and not a lowercase B;
- SV appears in superscript – reflecting Satoshi Vision as the way forward, while keeping emphasis on the name Bitcoin;
- The colour used is the “dragon gold”, to honour the dragon of the full node of Bitcoin SV.
Jimmy Nguyen, President of the bComm Association, explained:
“After too many years of wasteful diversions from the Satoshi Vision, we can now finally celebrate Bitcoin’s rebirth – unchained from experimental whims of developer teams who veered away from Satoshi’s original plan. The new BSV logo represents this pivotal moment for Bitcoin to grow up. In the spirit of Satoshi Vision […] The Bitcoin SV Node is now the reference implementation for the BSV protocol. To differentiate the full node implementation from the BSV cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin SV Node team at nChain intends to keep its dragon logo for the time being. Occupying the 5th position in the Chinese zodiac, the dragon is the mightiest of the signs. It symbolizes leadership, ambition, good fortune, energy, and independence – perfect qualities for a reference implementation to lead Bitcoin to its destined world-changing future“.