HomeCryptoAirdrop season coming in June: all the latest crypto updates

Airdrop season coming in June: all the latest crypto updates

In June, a myriad of crypto airdrops are expected: after the Securities and Exchange Commission approved Ethereum spot ETFs, several projects have planned to launch their own governance token shortly, taking advantage of the current wave of optimism and enthusiasm.

First of all zkSync, Ethereum’s L2 zkrollup scaling solution, which according to some rumors would release its own token ZK in mid-June.

Are we officially in the airdrop season phase? All the details below.

The launch of the zkSync token $ZK could inaugurate the airdrop season in June

As mentioned, the most watched crypto project of the moment by airdrop hunters is the zk-rollup zkSync Era network, controlled by the blockchain development company Matter Labs.

As reported by the information site The Block, on Tuesday, May 21, as soon as the L2 developer saw the probabilities of the approval of the Ethereum spot ETF increase, they sped up the TGE process, trying to launch their governance token as soon as possible.

Even though the official confirmation from the zkSync team has not yet arrived, according to internal sources at The Block, it seems that the scheduled date for the airdrop is around June 13, or in any case before the Blast token airdrop scheduled for June 26.

the ticker chosen for the cryptocurrency of the project is ZK (while many expected ZKS), which has fueled quite a few controversies since the same ticker was chosen by the Polyhedra Network team, which, however, has never seen a listing on Binance.

The same ZK token, expected at most 30 days after the TGE, is already being traded in premarket on platforms like Aevo, after the reference price is around 0.60 dollars.

Considering that according to rumors, the zkSync coin will have a supply of 21 billion tokens, with a price per token of 0.60 dollars the FDV would reach 12.6 billion dollars.

crypto airdrop zksync zk
Source: https://app.aevo.xyz/perpetual/zk

It is not the first time that speculations have been fueled regarding the long-awaited airdrop of this Ethereum L2: last week, the same zkSync team hinted at a symbolic launch and airdrop by the end of June, saying that it will soon implement an update to accelerate the decentralization of its protocol.

“The imminent release of v24 is the final planned protocol upgrade necessary before handing over network governance to the community,” stated zkSync last week. “The remaining missing pieces should be in place by the end of June.”

Il lancio di ZK potrebbe inaugurare ufficialmente l’airdrop season di giugno.

With a TVL of 872 million dollars according to L2Beat and several hundred million dollars in VC funding obtained from Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), Dragonfly Capital, Blockchain Capital, Crypto.com Capital, Placeholder Capital, and 1kx, the zkSync airdrop could offer significant rewards to its early adopters.

Some might, however, be left out given the large participation of the farmers: in total there are over 3.4 million active addresses, 8.1 million transactions, 15 billion dollars in bridged value, and almost 3 million bridgers.

Source: https://dune.com/gm365/L2

In any case, according to some users on X, that of zkSync could be the largest airdrop of all time in terms of value given to the community, potentially even better than that of Arbitrum.

Noi del team di The Cryptonomist, have been talking about it since May 2023.

We remain waiting to receive more information directly from the project team. Probably as early as next week, the checker will arrive to check which addresses are eleggibili to claim the reward.

All the upcoming crypto airdrops: which projects can you still qualify for?

Besides zkSync, many other projects are about to launch their own crypto on the market by initiating an airdrop to their respective communities, taking advantage of the positive wave in the crypto market.

One of the most anticipated launches concerns the interoperability protocol LayerZero, which has already announced snapshot n°1 on May 1st, indicating that ZRO will soon be officially listed within the crypto markets.

Here too the large participation of airdrop hunters, of which a large portion is verosimilmente a large slice sybil, has forced the project to identify criteria that will discard a significant portion of the users of the omni chain technology.

Tuttavia, considerando i prezzi in pre-market, ci si aspetta una FDV del token ZRO almeno a 15-20 miliardi di dollari al lancio, tale da riuscire a fare arricchire diversi utenti che si sono posizionati già diversi mesi fa.

Il mercato delle criptovalute è noto per i suoi cicli di bull e bear. Durante un mercato bull, i prezzi tendono a salire rapidamente, mentre in un mercato bear, i prezzi scendono. Gli investitori devono essere preparati a navigare attraverso entrambi i tipi di mercati.

Anche il protocollo di restaking Swell is about to launch the airdrop of its namesake token SWELL, with the TGE that would be imminent according to the project’s team.

While other competitors like Etherfi and Renzo have already played their cards, with the tokens ETHFI and REZ already present on the crypto exchanges, Swell has waited for the most opportune moment to introduce its asset on the crypto exchanges.

With a recent tweet, the protocol announced that it has increased the allocation planned for the airdrop from 7% to 8%, aiming to increase public engagement during a moment of euphoria for the entire EVM sector.

The SWELL coin has been tradable in pre-market for about a month, and an FDV of approximately 1.34 billion dollars is hypothesized at launch. The “pearls” points should be valued at around 0.5 dollars.

Worth noting is also what was revealed this week by Taiko, a based-rollup sequenced by Ethereum, which announced the arrival of its own token TKO with the launch of the airdrop checker

Eligible users have until May 29 to check their eligibility and 30 days to execute the claim once it is open to the public.

Click on this link to check the eligibility of your addresses.

TKO is already trading in pre-market at a price of about 2 dollars, bringing the FDV valuation around 2 billion dollars.

In this case, some users reported a positive allocation for the airdrop of Taiko, with rewards worth at least 1500 dollars while others reported poor allocations compared to the time and fees spent to grow the project.

Il mercato delle criptovalute è noto per i suoi cicli di bull e bear. Durante un mercato bull, i prezzi tendono a salire rapidamente, mentre in un mercato bear, i prezzi scendono.

There are then a wide range of secondary projects that could take advantage of the positive momentum of the airdrop season by launching their own cryptographic coins.

Among these, the most likely for an airdrop in June are: DeBridge, Debank, BItget Wallet, Syncswap, Blast, Orbiter, and others.

Instead, the next big projects on which it is still possible to take actions to qualify for the airdrop are Linea and Scroll, both l2 of Ethereum that could launch a token by the end of the year.

Alessandro Adami
Alessandro Adami
Graduated in "Information, Media and Advertising", for over 4 years interested in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Co-Founder of Tokenparty, community active in spreading crypto-enthusiasm. Co-founder of Legal Hackers Civitanova marche. Information technology consultant. Ethereum Fan Boy and supporter of Chainlink oracles, strongly believes that smart contracts will be central in the development of society.

