HomeCryptoParadigm raccoglie 850 milioni di dollari per il terzo fondo crypto

Paradigm raccoglie 850 milioni di dollari per il terzo fondo crypto

The venture capital firm Paradigm recently announced the closing of an $850 million fund, intended for investments in early-stage projects based on crypto and blockchain. 

This new fund, one of the largest in the history of the crypto sector, reflects the growing confidence and interest in digital assets and blockchain technology.

The announcement of the crypto fund and the context of Paradigm

The announcement, made on June 13, comes at a time when the cryptocurrency markets are experiencing a significant rebound after a period of volatility. In recent months, Paradigm has been actively discussing the new fund, highlighting its long-term strategy and confidence in the potential of cryptocurrencies as a transformative economic and technological force.

Matt Huang, co-founder and managing partner of Paradigm, stated: 

“When we founded Paradigm in 2018, we believed that cryptocurrencies would be one of the most important technical and economic changes of the coming decades. Six years later, this conviction has become stronger”.

The words of Huang emphasize not only the vision of the company, but also its determination to support innovation in the cryptocurrency sector.

Paradigm was founded in 2018 by Matt Huang and Fred Ehrsam, both veterans of the tech and crypto industry. 

The company quickly established itself as one of the most influential investors in the cryptocurrency sector, supporting successful projects like Coinbase, Uniswap, and Chainalysis. 

The mission of Paradigm is to support and accelerate the development of technologies based on blockchain that have the potential to revolutionize various economic sectors.

The new 850 million dollar fund represents a significant step forward for Paradigm. Not only does it demonstrate the company’s ability to raise capital on a large scale, but it also highlights the growing interest of institutional investors towards cryptocurrencies. 

This fund will allow Paradigm to continue supporting innovative projects and further drive the adoption of blockchain technology.

The investments will be focused on early-stage projects, with the goal of identifying and supporting promising startups working on innovative solutions in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. 

This strategy aims to build a robust and diversified ecosystem, capable of facing future challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies.

The rebound of the cryptocurrency markets

The context of this new fund is characterized by a rebound in the cryptocurrency markets. 

After a period of uncertainty and volatility, the sector has shown signs of recovery, with an increase in the value of the main cryptocurrencies and renewed interest from investors. This has created a favorable environment for fundraising and has strengthened Paradigm’s confidence in its long-term vision.

Looking to the future, Paradigm remains optimistic about the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. 

The new fund represents a fundamental resource for continuing to explore and support projects that could become the pillars of the digital economy of the future. The company plans to invest in a wide range of projects, from decentralized protocols to innovative financial applications, contributing to shaping the future of the sector.

The closure of this fund is also a positive signal for the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. It indicates that there is a growing confidence in the sustainability and growth potential of the sector, despite the challenges and uncertainties that characterize it.


In summary, the closing of the third fund of 850 million dollars by Paradigm represents an important milestone for the company and for the entire cryptocurrency sector. 

Questo fondo non solo rafforza la posizione di Paradigm come uno dei principali investitori nel settore, ma evidenzia anche il crescente interesse e la fiducia degli investitori istituzionali nelle potenzialità delle criptovalute e della tecnologia blockchain. 

With a focus on early-stage investments, Paradigm is preparing to support the next generation of innovations that could radically transform the global economy.


