
POLYGON - search results

Cybercrime 2021: boom in attacks against IoT devices

More than 1.5 billion attacks in the first half of this year alone

Reddit launches its own IPO with a $15 billion listing

According to reports from Reuters, Reddit is launching its IPO and for that, it needed to hire bankers and lawyers. The Initial Public Offering will be launched in New York State. Last month, the company was valued at $10 billion, against a $410 million raise.

NFTs successfully land on Solana’s blockchain: facts and figures

Artistic or collectible non-fungible tokens are increasing beyond Ethereum as well

DeFi: record levels on Ethereum and Binance Chain

TVL has made a new all-time high in the past few days, surpassing the previous record of mid-May

Time, 400 NFT in partnership with Cool Cats

The magazine marries Non-Fungible Tokens

Dolce & Gabbana’s NFT: launching at the end of August

The "Genesis Collection" in Non-Fungible Token is ready to be launched on UNXD

Poly Network trusts its hacker and reimburses users

The DeFi platform has reportedly rewarded "Mr. White Hat" with a $500,000 bug bounty

Poly Network hack: $260 million in crypto assets returned

New update on the case of the $600 million theft suffered by the DeFi platform

DeFi, Poly Network hacked: $600m in crypto stolen

The affected cross-chain platform operates on the BSC, Ethereum and Polygon chains

Hyphen makes Ethereum cross-chain transactions instantaneous

The new infrastructure enables USDC and USDT transfers between Ethereum and Polygon

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