
Iconomi - search results

Why Bitcoin miners are fleeing China

Starting in May, there has been a real collapse in activity in the Asian country

NFTs and protecting the environment

Artists, platforms and collectors in defence of the environment for the creation of environmentally friendly NFTs.

Cardano SPO Column: ECO Pool (ECO)

This segment of our magazine covers everything Cardano by asking some questions to the people contributing to the security and decentralization of the network: the Stake Pool Operators

Debunking the myth of Bitcoin’s excessive power consumption

A graph illustrates how Bitcoin mining actually consumes less power than alternative systems

Bitcoin: environmental impact at its highest level again

After the halving, the energy consumption of mining has returned to 77 TWh per year due to the price increase.

Bitcoin: decreasing hashrate reduces consumption

The halving of the miners' reward had a positive effect: a 22% drop in energy consumption.

Bitcoin uses less electricity than porn

According to some estimates, the adult video industry would consume almost twice the energy used by mining

Bitsane Exchange: possible scam

A few days ago another platform has scammed its users

Poloniex and Binance cleaning up, while HitBTC reaches 198 cryptocurrencies

According to DIAR's weekly report, most of the exchanges are ahead of spring cleaning

Blockchain, “Scalability is just a matter of time”

Jure Sutar, head of ICONOMI's Digital Asset Arrays department, is convinced about this. One of the indices offered by "the Uber of fund management" performed better than bitcoin in the year of the boom, 2017

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