
web3 - search results

Ferrari says it is ready to enter the metaverse

CEO Benedetto Vigna reports that they are looking at new web3 technologies

How does blockchain technology affect the environment?

Bitcoin mining is meant to use a lot of energy

Google wants to support blockchain

The web giant is ready to enter the blockchain sector, particularly thanks to the cloud

NFT news: record sales for OpenSea

The latest news from the main Non-Fungible Token markets

Solana: the Phantom crypto wallet raises $109 million

A crypto wallet from the Solana ecosystem, Phantom, has announced that it has closed a $109 million Series B funding round, and is ready...

QuickNode: the platform that verifies NFTs on Twitter profiles

The blockchain infrastructure to validate digital art ownership

Google Cloud is looking to form a team of blockchain experts

According to CNBC, Google would like to implement the technology in its cloud service

NFT news: Adidas and Prada together in the metaverse and more

From Non-Fungible Token footwear to the acquisition of Pluto, a crypto company for £96 million

Sorare: Serena Williams joins the board and the world of NFTs

The blockchain gaming startup expands to women's sports in 2022

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