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NFT News: the latest from Coinbase, OpenSea and Autograph.

New partnerships and acquisitions to expand the Non-Fungible Token craze

Solana the new Visa for the crypto world

This is the prediction of Bank of America

Coinbase in 2022: a one-week break every quarter

For four weeks in the year, "almost the entire company will shut down"

NFTs: the latest news on Pioneer, Sandbox, Tarantino and OpenSea

All the latest news about the world of non-fungible tokens

Polkadot: 10% of all DOT blocked for crowdloan or parachain slots

2021 proved to be a successful year for the Polkadot project

Taiko launches its NFC-NEKO collection on Binance NFT

It uses celebrity cats for animal rescue charities and collaboration with Highstreet Metaverse

Coinbase’s predictions for the crypto market in 2022

According to Surojit Chatterjee, Chief Product Officer (CPO) of Coinbase, alternative blockchains will also grow

OVR is solving scaling thanks to Polygon

The migration will start in January

Project Rundown interview with Hashland

A new metaverse

Crypto startups win over Silicon Valley professionals

Executives and skilled engineers from Amazon, Twitter, and Meta fly into the cryptocurrency industry.

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