
APIS - search results

South Korea on the blockchain with KOSCO

The revolution in public administration 4.0 is taking off. KOSCO is here, a multifunctional platform for public services.

Hypothekarbank Lenzburg opens to companies operating with crypto

The Swiss bank Hypothekarbank Lenzburg (HBL) will make APIs available to synchronize management systems.

Bitcoin art in Kiev: a statue for Satoshi

Bitcoin art: In Ukraine's city center, citizens want to place a monument for the creator of bitcoin

OpenNode, a new payment processor on the Lightning Network

The first scalable "PayPal" based on Bitcoin's LN is here

Eidoo as patron of “Crypto Connection”, a sculpture to be placed in London

London is set to host the UK’s first public sculpture dedicated to the rapidly growing cryptocurrency ecosystem “Crypto Connection”, commissioned by us at Eidoo...

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