
fulcrum - search results


Before starting to take full advantage of the functions available on the platform it is necessary to deposit funds in a new RAY, either creating a new one or managing an existing one. 

The Staked platform works with the aim of making the production of blocks by the network nodes in favour of DPoS protocols, i.e. Delegated Proof of Stake, more secure, performing and least expensive as possible. 

This process is made possible by the type of technology used to build the appropriate architecture. 

The nodes of the network are in fact arranged according to a multi-level signature cloud configuration that takes into account the geographical diversity and redundancy that the various data centres may have, considering the cloud provider on which the node is operating at that time.

This multi-layered infrastructure provides crypto holders with the ideal combination of security, scalability and decentralization.

Demand for stablecoins increases due to Covid-19

Market capitalizations of USDT, USDC and BUSD reached all-time highs, with the value of DAI permanently above the dollar.

What are oracles for a blockchain and what risks do they bring?

The objectives of a blockchain oracle and where is used today


Officially launched in July 2018, the bZx protocol was immediately integrated by DeFi platforms such as MakerDAO, Kyber and later Augur.

The following year, in June 2019, bZx launched the Fulcrum platform providing lending, leveraging, and shorting for ETH, wBTC, ZRX, KNC, BAT, REP, DAI and USDC.

In August 2019, it also launched its second product, Torque, a platform offering permanent and fixed interest loans.

The Eidoo wallet app, available on Android, iOS and desktop, has also recently integrated the bZx protocol within its application just a few months ago.

Compound, a token to revolutionize governance

An ERC20 with special features

DeFi and admin keys: an unsolved problem

The latest events in the DeFi sector involving Fulcrum have highlighted some critical issues

New Bitcoin Cash client to avoid the fork

A declaration of intent by a group of developers who are very well known and committed to the ecosystem appears on Read.Cash

Second hack against the bZx protocol

This time, by manipulating an oracle, 2,388 ETH have been subtracted from the DeFi platforms

Charlie Lee: Litecoin founder does not believe in DeFi

The problem encountered recently by the Fulcrum decentralized finance platform illustrates its not completely decentralized nature

DeFiZap: DeFi protocols in 1 click

Decentralized finance offers the possibility to use advanced financial instruments on a decentralized network, in this case, Ethereum

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