
Huobi - search results

The top 20 of the biggest failed ICOs ever

The ranking of the biggest failures by Initial Coin Offerings has been published

Bitcoin Cash (BCH): all the accomplishments for the second anniversary

The most famous fork of Bitcoin (BTC) turns two years

Justin Sun postpones lunch with billionaire Warren Buffett

The rich Chinese entrepreneur has decided to postpone the meeting scheduled for July 25th

The success of IEOs: over $260 million raised in 6 months

5 projects received 31% of the total amount collected in the first half of 2019

The Best Bitcoin Margin Trading Platforms of 2019

A list of the most important tools for traders

The web domains on blockchain are ready for auction

Offers can begin to be placed on June 27th

70% of exchanges have joined the CoinMarketCap DATA programme

Exchanges had 45 days to respond and send all the information requested by CoinMarketCap

Bitwise to the SEC: “Approve Bitcoin ETFs”

In support of the request for approval, the company has prepared and sent a report in which the market would appear to be much less wild than it might seem

Cryptopia: 10 extra days for submission of the settlement report

The decision taken by the New Zealand court extends the time required to liquidate the exchange

BTSE launches new futures on Bitcoin

The project is proposed by the digital asset exchange. The new function should be ready in June

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