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Bill Gates expands partnership with Ripple

A new project involving the Gates Foundation, XRP and Coil to implement the Interledger protocol and explore new payment solutions for developing countries

A guide on the difference between Bitcoin and Litecoin

The core developer Isidoro Ghezzi of BHB Network explains the main features that differentiate the two blockchains

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference to be held in Minsk

On October 10th, the Belarus capital will see a new event with major crypto speakers

The 5 most requested freelance Blockchain jobs

The Upwork freelance platform shows how the blockchain sector is increasingly expanding, ranking first in terms of freelancer skills.

Vitalik and his ‘Liberal Radicalism’ paper

The blockchain and the crypto industry are based on open source development, so the source code, like any other type of information, is public and open to all

Crypto quotes, 13 aphorisms on Bitcoin and Blockchain

The best phrases and quotations on the crypto theme made by illustrious personalities of the sector and not

Israel considering a state currency, the Crypto Shekel

The country is already a hub for the world of virtual currencies and blockchain. According to the promoters, such a cryptocurrency can be used to reduce tax evasion and money laundering blockchain platform is here

Chinese e-commerce giant released the whitepaper of its blockchain as a service platform

Safer blockchains thanks to the TEE server area

The Seattle Giant has filed two patents to use the TEE area to make blockchain technology more secure

Bakkt trading ecosystem, a project by the CEO of ICE

A regulated trading ecosystem could take off in November thanks to the CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange

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