
Federal Reserve - search results

Trump could be a good thing for cryptocurrencies

A reappointment of the current US President could help the continuation of the Fed's ultra-expansionary monetary policy

CeFi: what are crypto banks

This type of centralized finance requires the user to trust a centralized custodian

Cryptocurrency Act of 2020, the new US bill

Congress introduces new legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies

Facebook and the possible failure of the Libra project

If the project is not reviewed, it will not receive the necessary approvals for market launch

Venezuela distributes Petro tokens to its regions

President Maduro announced a kind of airdrop that casts serious doubts on the inflationary nature of the stablecoin anchored to Venezuelan oil

Libra: today the first hearing in Congress

There will be two meetings today and tomorrow at the Senate and House Committee on Financial Services, during which the project director will have to clarify numerous doubts

EDNA and GeneOS: DNA privacy thanks to EOS avoids FBI scandals

Two token based test projects were launched on the blockchain as a solution to the problem of centralized possession of genomic data

Eidoo, “We have the technology to offer security tokens”

The analysis of the Swiss Federal Council's report on the blockchain continues

Luigi de Magistris, “Here’s how the Naples token works”

The capital of Campania is at the forefront with innovative initiatives related to administrative services and commercial activities

The US Government is looking into traceability of Privacy Coins

Department of Homeland Security wants to develop tracking tools for Monero and Zcash

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