
Eidoo - search results

Indiegogo launches its first ICO

The famous crowdfunding platform has completed its first token launch

Marco Montemagno interviews Cryptonomist: “Media must teach the revolution”

For the "Crypto Special" series, this time, the Italian influencer interviews Amelia Tomasicchio, CMO of Eidoo and not only

Decentralized or centralized exchanges?

Nakamoto created the blockchain as "peer-to-peer", but when it comes to exchanges this idea still seems a long way off

Stablecoins, a threat to banks

In recent months, the hype of a less volatile version of cryptocurrencies has been rising. Let's better understand the potential and the problems, especially for traditional institutions

How and where to use Binance Coin also outside Binance

It is not known, but the token of the famous exchange can be used as a means of payment even outside the exchange itself

Switzerland’s 50 most interesting crypto startups

A CV VC report highlights how companies in the Crypto Valley capitalize $44 billion

Consultique, Verona hosts the Fee Only Summit 2018

On October 18th Cryptonomist will be protagonist of the fintech and cryptocurrency panel

George Thomson, “Crypto has doubled our Revolut users”

Interview with George Thomson, head of the Italian division of the prepaid debit card, who last year has decided to target the cryptocurrency market

Thomas Bertani, 5 tips for developing DApps

Decentralised applications are becoming increasingly popular. How to build a successful one? We asked the Director of Eidoo

Lars Schlichting, “The White Paper”

Exclusively for Cryptonomist a story by the CEO of Poseidon inspired by the crypto world

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