
lagarde - search results

Bitcoin ETFs, a new gold rush

BTC ETFs debuted on the stock exchange on October 19

Digital euro project: ECB collaborates with Nexi

The Italian digital payments giant announced its collaboration for the European CBDC

Evergrande at risk of default: “Prepare for the worst” 

The Chinese real estate giant has not paid its coupons as they fall due

Euro Digital, two years to decide

The investigation phase will finally start in October

China’s digital Yuan puts Ant and Tencent in an awkward position

the People's Bank of China has accelerated experimentation with its Digital Yuan, putting the operators of Alipay and WeChat Pay

Cryptocurrency experts in demand as countries launch digital currencies

There is no doubt that monetary authorities around the world are rushing to design their own "crypto"

EU: clampdown on bitcoin wallets with new AML and CFT rules

European Commission proposes legislative reforms affecting crypto sector

France and crypto regulation: let the EU handle it

The French authority wants a single regulatory system

What the digital euro will look like: hypothesized designs

A report analyzes the uses and scenarios

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