As the new year approaches, companies are becoming increasingly mindful of their desire to increase their education services related to the crypto and blockchain world, and one of the organisations that wants to increase dialogue and spread this technology is CryptoValues. The Cryptonomist had the opportunity to interview the CEO, Federica Rocco.
What is Cryptovalues and why was it created?
Cryptovalues was founded in 2018 to bring together multidisciplinary expertise from different sectors: today it brings together companies and professionals specialised in business, IT, legal and fiscal matters. The aim is to bring together these complementary skills to facilitate a constructive dialogue between the companies operating in the sector and institutional bodies so as to contribute to the creation of a clear regulatory framework geared towards the development of all players in the industry.
How does Italy position itself in this scenario?
In July, Italy obtained, alongside Sweden and the Czech Republic, the Presidency of the EU Blockchain Partnership initiative promoted by the EU Commission for the creation of an EU platform based on Blockchain to develop digital services. In addition, the MiSE has a team of experts on these technologies with the aim of effectively evaluating their use for public purposes. Finally, many companies and start-ups now rely on Blockchain/DLT and crypto to innovate their business processes, which is a strong signal for future adoption. In short, Italy is well positioned!
In which specific sectors do you operate?
There are mainly four areas in which we operate: institutional relations, academia, research and development and training. We work in strong synergy across all sectors to help government institutions, politicians, universities and companies understand the potential of this set of technologies. Our mission is to bring Italy to occupy ever more significant positions and to share the know-how acquired with the other member states. We work alongside universities and institutions to ensure that information is correctly understood and shared among the various stakeholders, as well as to facilitate networking between them.
Who are the key players in your organisation?
We have two main bodies: the Advisory Board and the Scientific Committee. The first provides recommendations to public decision-makers and presents to stakeholders multidisciplinary studies as well as reports and best practices in the sector. Whereas the second is made up of university professors, thanks to whom we maintain contact with the universities and collaborate to develop projects or sector studies. Our aim is to coordinate the efforts of the participants in our community, contributing to creating awareness about the benefits of these new technologies, the way they are used and the enormous opportunities that they offer.
Plans for the future?
In the coming months, our activity will focus on two main fronts: in Italy, in addition to continuing the activity of dissemination and education among institutional and academic bodies, we will develop high-level training activities aimed at entrepreneurs, top managers and professionals interested in having a complete view in every aspect (regulatory, fiscal and business) of this industry and the great opportunities it offers. Over the past few days, we have introduced Stefano Rossi, who will be responsible for organising and managing the training and high-level events that the consortium intends to launch shortly. As far as Europe is concerned, we will consolidate the networking efforts undertaken until now, so as to include the requests coming from this market at the European level. The future of this sector is not clear yet and we want to help ensure that the balance between regulation and innovation moves in the right direction.