HomeBlockchainBrave: 1 million more users for the high privacy browser

Brave: 1 million more users for the high privacy browser

In March, users of the high-level privacy browser, Brave, increased by 1 million units

This was announced by Des Martin, Brave’s head of marketing, who wrote on Twitter: 

“1M+ new users in March. Go Brave”. 

Martin then comments on his own tweet wondering which other companies increased their users by 1 million during the pandemic, mentioning HouseParty, Zoom and Slack

Brave’s co-founder and CEO, Brendan Eich, also tweeted some data about the month of March, which shows that active monthly users increased from 12.2 million to 13.5 million, an increase well over one million. 

In terms of daily active users, the number has risen from 4 million to 4.3 million

He also announced that they are working on the second version of the data synchronization tool, including wallets and logs. 

On brave.com/transparency is now possible to verify that the Brave Rewards program now involves almost 290,000 YouTube channels and almost 50,000 websites, over 56,000 Twitter profiles and about 40,000 on both Twitch and Reddit. 

In the US alone, there are currently 57 advertising campaigns distributing BAT tokens. 

The expansion of this project is now proceeding relentlessly, and the increase in March was more than 10% of its entire user base. 

Given that it is a project born 5 years ago and that the campaign to acquire new users on a large scale has in fact started this year, this increase is very significant, especially considering the timing. 

The reasons why it performed so well during the pandemic crisis are not precisely known, but it is possible that they have to do with its focus on protecting the privacy level of users surfing the web and perhaps also with the fact that it could be a preferred browser for private individuals, many of whom are now at home. 

Brave’s business model is so different from other browsers and so innovative, that this growth will have to be taken seriously by its competitors, because if it continues over time it could revolutionize this market. 

Marco Cavicchioli
Marco Cavicchioli
Born in 1975, Marco has been the first to talk about Bitcoin on YouTube in Italy. He founded ilBitcoin.news and the Facebook group" Bitcoin Italia (open and without scam) ".

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