
AML - search results

Libra: the delusional hearing at the US Congress

Yesterday David Marcus had his first session in the Senate where he explained how the Facebook currency will work

Qtum teaming up with Beam for atomic swaps

After those with bitcoin, the blockchain platform announced the launch of cross-chain and trustless trades also with the high-level privacy cryptocurrency

Libra will be regulated by the Swiss FINMA

The head of the Libra project and CEO of Calibra explained the project to the Senate Committee on Banking

Lumi Wallet adds an EOS exchange functionality

The company continues the integration with Dan Larimer's blockchain

Bitstamp hires former Gemini employee Caitlin Barnett

Yesterday, the exchange announced the hiring of a new US Chief Compliance Officer

Bitcoin illegal transactions in sharp decline: less than 1%

Figures are significantly lower than the 7% recorded in 2012

Huobi Finance Chain: the blockchain with Nervos

The new platform was announced yesterday as part of a partnership with the layer company

Bitsane Exchange: possible scam

A few days ago another platform has scammed its users

Opera Touch for iOS adds Ethereum wallet and Web3 support

To celebrate the update, Opera has partnered with a new dApp called Marble Cards

LocalBitcoins: growing volumes in Russia and South America

South America and Russia represent the most positive markets for LocalBitcoins

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