
AML - search results

The Future of Banking

The journey from unbundling to rebundling and back has been a formidable one

60 central banks are evaluating the Blockchain

According to a report of the World Economic Forum, many monetary authorities are studying and testing the DLT

Terrorists prefer being financed with cash rather than cryptocurrency

According to a report by RAND Corporation, terrorists continue to prefer being financed with cash over cryptocurrencies.

PayPal: investment in a blockchain project

The startup's name is Cambridge Blockchain

Facebook Coin and Crypto: Humans don’t scale

The theoretical and practical problems of the social network's cryptocurrency

The ICON blockchain now supports security tokens

The Japanese project joins the many others that support the possibility of issuing securities

Bancor: a single wallet for EOS and Ethereum

The crypto wallet unifies the tokens based on the two blockchains

Hester Peirce talks about Bitcoin at the MIT Expo 2019

The SEC commissioner known for her pro-crypto position has discussed the issue of crypto regulations with Gary Gensler of the CFTC


Founders and other executives will join us this April 8 at the Ritz Carlton in Los Angeles for the Security Token Summit

Provable: Oraclize 2.0 promotes security and interoperability

Partner of the Swiss company, it is a decentralized version 2.0 of the blockchain oracle

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